QHSE Repoting Portal
Essense of Safety
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Can be attached to any system or moblie device
Upon noticing or being part of a reportable near miss/incident or accident, it is your responsibility to report this. and report is not to assign blame, but to determine how to avoid a repeat.
Please click on a button to take you directly to the form you wish to complete.
What is a Near Miss
A near miss, near hit or close call is an unplanned event that has the potential to cause, but does not actually result in human injury, environmental or equipment damage, or an interruption to normal operation.
What is an Incident
An incident, in the context of occupational health and safety, is an unintended event that disturbs normal operations.
What is an Accident
An accident is an unintentionally-caused event. In most cases, the term is used specifically in reference to unintentionally-caused negative events. Accidents which take place in the workplace are referred to as occupational accidents.